Smith, Watts & Hartmann
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Our clients include many of the nation's most respected corporations, public agencies, companies that deal with transportation, energy, environmental issues, land use and development, resource managers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.  Because our clients interests touch so many of the keys to California's future, SWH is working at the center of most of the major policy issues that come before the Governor, the state legislature, State Agencies and Departments.  Our clients are an important part of our success and many of them have been with us for years, some dating as far back as 20 years.  Our partial list of past and present clients includes:
Sacramento Regional Transit District 
San Francisco Transportation Authority 
San Joaquin Council of Governments-(SJCOG)
Tahoe Transportation District
Transportation California
Wareham Property

Consulting Clients 

City of Folsom
Elk Grove, Rancho Cordova, El Dorado Connector Authority
Gateway Cities COG
City of Rancho Cordova

California Large Energy Association (CLECA)
California Steel Industries (CSI)
City of Hayward
Contra Costa County Transportation Authority 
Contra Costa County Public Works Department
General Motors (GM)
Iberdrola Renewables, Inc.
Linde, LLC 
Metropolitan Transit System
Placer County Transportation Planning Agency
Riverside County Transportation Commission